Alternative Dispute Resolution

While arbitration and mediation are often included within the concept of Alternative Dispute Resolution, there are occasions where contractual or legal requirements make these procedures the only means by which claims can be asserted and resolved. In other instances, clients have the option of choosing how to most effectively and economically resolve disputes that have arisen.

At Ombija & Ombija Co. Advocates a key part of our practice is the management and resolution of disputes outside of or as a supplement to conventional court litigation. Our team comprises experienced advocates who are uniquely placed to handle complex disputes through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms including Arbitration & Mediation.

We actively pursue all avenues of dispute resolution available and advise clients on choosing the method that’s most suitable for their circumstances. We seek to provide cost-effective services through all stages of the dispute resolution process. Our chief goal throughout the process is to ensure that we resolve disputes quickly and effectively, and to ensure that we offer practical solutions to our clients.